Four times in recent years, I’ve had the good fortune of participating in collaborative poetry and art shows—Ekphrasis: Sacred Stories of the Southwest (Phoenix, AZ, Obliq Art, 2014); Fragments: Poets and Artists of the South and Southwest (Memphis, TN, Harrington Brown Gallery, 2011); The Art in Fiber (Round Top, TX, Copper Shade Tree, 2011); and Threaded Lives: Poems from the Fiber World (Taos, NM, Rane Gallery, 2009) . To find out more about these shows, click on the images below.

The Healing by Patta Butcher

The Healing by Patta Butcher


Burro by Richard Bledsoe

Burro by Richard Bledsoe

&quot.Requiem." Fiber art by Annie Smith, poem by David Meischen

“Requiem” — Fiber art by Annie Smith
Poem by David Meischen.

Detail from Fleeting Moments by Dean Pulver

Detail from Fleeting Moments by Dean Pulver